Presentation Avenues

Unlocking Opportunities to Elevate Your Career: Engage with FIRE's Avenues of Participation!

Invest in your professional growth through FIRE's dynamic avenues of participation! Our symposium offers three distinct avenues tailored to accommodate a diverse range of interests and career stages. Whether you're keen on immersive roundtable discussions in our Focus Group Talk, seeking inspiration from impactful Career Flash Talks, or eager to showcase your experiences and engage in one-on-one discussions during the Poster Presentation session, FIRE provides a unique opportunity to elevate your career trajectory. Unlock opportunities to elevate your career at FIRE, where aspiration meets expertise!

I. Focus Group Talk (Target Audience #: 7-10)

The "Focus Group Talk" is a small roundtable discussion session intended to bring together individuals from different backgrounds to discuss and share useful tips and sights for professional development that apply to everyone.

The workshop will be held in a roundtable format with different tables delving deeper into different themes. The topics can be anything surrounding career development. Be creative! The topics can range from actionable career strategies, such as how to navigate career transitions and craft effective elevator pitches, to an exploration of the latest trending topics within your field, offering invaluable knowledge for professional growth on the theme of “Unlocking Opportunities to Elevate Your Career.” The Focus Group Talk is a platform for you not only to share your own experiences and ideas but also to learn from the rich perspectives around you. 

As a Focus Group Leader, your responsibilities are to 

By the end of the Focus Group Talk, participants should leave equipped with new perspectives, a better understanding of the topics discussed, and practical strategies they can implement in their own lives to achieve their goals.

II. Career Flash Talk (Target Audience #: 70+)

The “Career Flash Talk” is an avenue for you to share your leadership experiences or professional skills to inspire other participants through a 5-minute presentation. Through this avenue, presenters are to share the lessons or skills they have learned from their leadership or work experiences in industry or academia, focusing on the theme of “Unlocking Opportunities to Elevate Your Career.” In those five minutes, the goal of presenters is to deliver an impactful presentation and help audiences learn about how to advance professional growth in their careers. 

Here are several example topics that resonate with our theme:

Presenters are required to prepare simple PowerPoint slides to accompany their talk. Each presenter will be allocated five minutes to present their topic, followed by a brief Q & A session with the audience. We encourage you to deliver your talks in a way that will engage audiences from diverse backgrounds. 

III. Poster Presentation (Target audience: 1-on-1)

The “Poster Presentation” session offers a unique platform for participants to exhibit a topic of their choice using a visual display. During this session, participants are required to stay with their poster to interact with visitors, providing a personal and engaging experience. Participants will take on the responsibility of preparing, transporting, and setting up their posters, with detailed instructions provided by the FIRE organizers in advance.

In addition to the visual display, participants should also prepare a concise, 5-minute presentation to succinctly introduce their topic to attendees. This session welcomes a wide range of topics, including but not limited to creative endeavors, career development strategies, professional skills enhancement, and personal interests, all under the broader theme of “Unlocking Opportunities to Elevate Your Career.” This framework aims to inspire the selection of topics that contribute to professional growth and development.

The interactive nature of the poster presentation session encourages lively discussions and questions, which will help foster an environment where participants can exchange ideas and insights in a more personal and direct manner.

Click here for an example of a professional development poster.

*** NOTE: If you wish to present a technical poster in your field of expertise/research (e.g. cancer therapeutics in medicine, machine learning in computer science, battery science in chemistry, etc.), please apply to present your poster at the respective Technical Group Symposium (TGS) instead. Note that you can only apply to TGS OR FIRE, as the sessions run at the same time. You cannot switch between TGS and FIRE after applying. However, you are welcome to apply to TGS, present your technical poster during the UKC-wide poster session, and attend FIRE sessions at other times. If you apply as a FIRE poster presenter, you must attend all FIRE sessions.

What if I don't want to present but still want to attend?

There is a non-presenter option in our application, which does not require a presentation. However, you are still expected to be an active participant in discussions, icebreakers, Q&As, and all sessions at UKC. The non-presenter option has an increased registration fee, and no support for lodging, travel, nor meals. More details can be found on our Cost to Attend page.