
Career Flash Talk

Youngmin Kim

AI Revolution: Reshaping Hollywood and the Entertainment Landscape

Katherine Cho

What’s a Microaggression? Navigating Difficult Topics at Work

Hannah Kim

Saying Yes to Opportunity: Leveraging Risks for Career Advancement

Joseph Lee

Developing Leadership Skills in Non-Leadership Roles

Seo Yeon Lee

When to Settle Down

Soyeon Park

The Path to Becoming the Next Generation Financial Leader

Yeo Ho Yoon

How to make a career pivot into climate

Focus Group Talk

Andy Baek

Collaborating with Your Manager to Advance Your Career

Dennis Cha

Is MBA still worth it?

Lucy Cho

Situational Leadership

Nathan Chung

Toasted not Roasted

Alex Kang

Embracing Rejection

Clara Kim

Navigating the Workspace as an Early-Career Professional

Halie Kim

LinkedIn Networking Tips and Tricks

Mihyun Kim

From Majority to Minority: Rebuilding Protective Factors in the USA

Seongmin Lee

Expanding Your Career Canvas: Pitching Strategies for Diverse Audiences

Jina Lim

Why Small Talk Is Anything But Small

Ryan Shin

Navigating Multidisciplinary Problems 

Inhwa Son

What Coincidences Have Shaped Your Career?

MinYoung Yoo

Who's Listening?: Understanding Your Audience

Jina Yoon

Center & Pivot: A Strategic Guide to Career Transitions

Danielle Bae

Be a Surfer, Not a Sufferer

Judy Seohyun Kim

Transforming Ideas into Products

Hyelim Do

Optimizing Resumes and CVs: The Gateway to Unlocking Career Opportunities

Jungsun Yoo

Cognitive graphs: Representational substrates for planning

Kenneth Yun

Rebranding for Success: Harnessing the Power of PIE to Elevate Your Career

Seunghark Cho

What is industrial design and how can it help business success

Seokjoo Yoon

Crafting a compelling professional narrative through nontraditional experience

YoonSeok Oh

Bridging Departments: Communication as a Career Catalyst

Goonho Park

Transforming bench research to enterprise

Hwaran Lee

Empowering Professional Growth Through Diversity

Poster Presentation

Riky Bae

Embracing Uncertainty

Uijeong Jo

The ways of maximizing your opportunities in Pharmacy School/Professional School

Lynne Guseul Jung

Pave Your Path to Success With AI

Sehong Kang

The worst thing you could get is a 'No'

Clara Kyumin Kim

Infusing Personality into My 8.5 x 11 

Hodam Kim

The correct decision is just do it. but it's just tiresome...

Yoseph Kim

"Navigating Innovation: A Journey in MedTech Leadership and Collaboration"

Dohyun Ku

Leveraging AI Tools for Enhanced Productivity and Career Advancement

Dawit Lee

How My Love of Sports Led Me to Pursue My Career

Jang Soo Lee

From Uniform to Networking: Harnessing Zoom Coffee Chats for Career Growth in the Korean Military

Seulki Lee

My effort to shape my career path as a freshman in college

TJ Park

Navigating Transitions Across Industry and Academia

Jaylen Park

The Surprising Ways Opportunities Knock

Jihye Son

Carving My Own Scientist Career From a Non-Scientist Family

Ron Baik

Entrepreneurship as a graduate student